"Shri Shringlaji's life has been a life of relentless commitment, to enhance Nation footprint in the global scape."


Spiritual Guru

"Shakespeare once said, Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them. He has earned that greatness by sheer competence. He is from Darjeeling but he is the darling of the diplomatic world. He was sent by Darjeeling to go and see the world. What has he done? He is bringing the world to Darjeeling."

Dr CV Ananda Bose

Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal

“The story of Shri Harsh Vardhan Shringla's rise from humble beginnings and highlight his illustrious career in the service of the motherland inspire the younger generation to strive to be their best and serve the country."

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Spiritual Guru

"Shri Harsh Vardhan Shringla was entrusted with great responsibilities and represented India on the world stage and eventually rose to the highest position in the elite Indian Foreign Service."

Shri N. Rangasamy

Chief Minister, Government of Puducherry

Shri Harsh Vardhan Shringla Jyu is a Nepali-speaking resident of Darjeeling and we are all proud of his achievements on the national and international stage. He is a great motivator of the youth from our region and I wish him the very best for his future endeavors. I do hope he will continue to work for the benefit of the region and its people.

Prem Singh Tamang (Golay)

Chief Minister Sikkim

"As a beneficiary of this program, I am humbled by your kindness and generosity towards us. Your efforts have made a significant impact on many communities, and we are grateful for your leadership and guidance. I would like to thank you for the donated items which will be of great use. Your support will go a long way, and we are thankful for your kind gesture."

Dinchen Tashi Chhoiling Gumba

Singtom Tea Estate, Gopaldhura

"Without your help it would not have been possible to bring back our daughters home who were stranded in foreign countries. Sir, indeed you have brought back the lost smiles on the faces of the victims and family members. MARG family along with the citizens of Darjeeling would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

Nirnay John Chettri

Mankind in Action for Rural Growth (MARG)

"Sir, the gift which you have donated to our students is not an ordinary one but a gift of life because its universally accepted fact that clean and safe drinking water keep us 99.9% free from various diseases. The availability of clean and safe drinking water to the marginalized section of the society should be the first priority. Sir, your love and concern towards the people of Darjeeling is really touching and as one of the beneficiary schools lam humbled by your kindness towards us."

Maharani Girls’ Higher Secondary School


"On Behalf of our organization we wish to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for the love and support you have given to Darjeeling through your generous donation program. As a beneficiary of this program, we are humbled by your kindness and generosity towards us. We would also like to thank you for the donated items which will be of great use and help to our trainees."

All India Women’s Conference

All India Women’s Conference

"Darjeeling Welfare Society is doing a fabulous job by supporting and providing assistance to needy people in the Darjeeling area. They organized an event to distribute various items to local boys and girls, students, sport persons, elderly people, women, etc. their help is focussed to make life of such people better. "

Bharat Lal

Secretary General, National Human Rights Commission

"We are all proud of you for your commitment to improving the lives of people in our country and making India proud internationally. Your efforts have made a significant impact on many communities, and we are grateful for your leadership and guidance. I would also like to thank you for the donated items which will be of great use."

Yogesh Gurung

President, Quick Response Team, Darjeeling


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