A Step Toward Sustainable Livelihoods

The Darjeeling Welfare Society (DWS) welcomed representatives from the Gates Foundation, who showed a strong dedication to supporting the tea estate workers of the Darjeeling region. Today, DWS, together with senior representatives from the Gates Foundation, Grant Thornton, Central and State Governments, and the GTA, visited the Panighatta-Chenga and Ambootia Tea Estates to evaluate the progress of this collaborative effort. The local communities were deeply appreciative  of the agricultural livelihood projects that have had a positive impact. Encouraged by the success of the initiative, DWS plans to extend this pilot project to Moonda Kotee, Peshok, Mangajung, and Samrik tea estates. With the potential for increased support from authorities, this initiative is poised to expand, offering sustainable livelihoods to a larger segment of the tea garden community. Together, we are creating a brighter and more sustainable future for the Darjeeling hills.

  • Starting Time:
  • Date: Jan 10, 2025
  • Ending Date:
  • Category: Event/Activity
  • Location: Ambotia Tea Estate

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